UKG Pro Workforce Management™

Time and Attendance Analytics

Unlock deep, actionable insights into your workforce, enabling you to make confident and strategic decisions.

Time and Attendance Analytics

UKG Pro Workforce Management Analytics delivers instant insights to frontline and operational managers, empowering data-driven labor decisions. Effortlessly identify, manage, and enhance workforce cost savings and productivity. Utilise KPIs, metrics, and predefined thresholds to maintain real-time alignment with your business goals.

Choose UKG Pro Analytics

Discover how UKG Pro Workforce Management Analytics positively impacts your organization’s people and operations.

UKG Pro Analytics:

Enhance Efficiency by streamlining data accessibility with on-demand reporting.

Manage Labor Expenses by Utilising dataviews for immediate access to real-time operational data.

Mitigate Non-Compliance Risks by identifying the root causes of issues through deeper analysis.

Address Workforce Challenges by Tackling overtime and turnover with data science solutions powered by machine learning.

Align with Business Goals and gain valuable insights into your organisation’s alignment with business objectives through real-time KPIs.

Personalised Business Metrics

With personalized KPIs, metrics, and thresholds, your managers can effortlessly align with business objectives in real time. This fosters confident, informed decision-making that influences the workforce positively, reducing expenses while optimising productivity.

Comprehensive Reporting

Comprehensive workforce management reports provide accurate insights into your business, offering timely overviews that enhance your readiness for the future.

Leverage Big Data for Large Businesses

Effectively navigate extensive data repositories, analysing them according to your specific needs, and utilizing your preferred business intelligence tools strategically.

Key Features of Analytics

  • Fully integrated with the UKG Pro D5 platform.
  • Delivers real-time data and reporting.
  • Includes nearly 150 pre-configured KPIs and metrics.
  • Allows users to create and customize KPIs with KPI Builder.
  • Home page dashboard tiles are easily configurable.
  • Mobile-friendly for convenient access on the go.

Key Benefits

For Frontline and Operational Managers

  • Leverage KPIs, metrics, and thresholds to ensure everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Gain access to insights and tools to effectively manage your people.

  • Key Features:
  • Access real-time workforce performance data to maintain alignment with goals.

  • Quickly identify and address concerning trends.

  • Detect potential issues early and take corrective action.

  • Uncover the root causes of performance, productivity, and behavior challenges.

  • Continuously improve by managing against relevant KPIs.

  • Get in touch

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